Cyber Basic Network Security How Virtual Private Network Is Changing the Online Security Game

How Virtual Private Network Is Changing the Online Security Game

We see cybercrimes every day, everywhere. Countries worldwide are facing the same doom. According to, many companies take more than 6 months to figure out a major data breach.

 It happens because most enterprises are still unfamiliar with the right cybersecurity tools. Businesses are still struggling to keep up with cybersecurity.

Luckily, their search is over because VPNs prove to be the best bet to maintain security online.

I will explain to you how these virtual private networks are shielding online privacy later in this blog.

First, let me show you how global businesses hit hard by hackers.

Examples of Cyber Attacks on Businesses

We all have faced an unprecedented situation during COVID-19. The shift from physical to remote work was quite a big move.

However, cybercriminals leverage this shift much more than any of us.

A lot of websites’ exploitation attempts were made during this period. One major example of an online threat was CryCryptor ransomware. The ransomware was intendedly designed to trick Canadian android users.

Reportedly, the CryCryptor campaign attempted to spread via a fake app. This app disguised users by pretending Canada’s Covid-19 official app.

 This ransomware was supposed to lock users’ videos, photos, and other data from the infected devices.

Luckily, this malware wasn’t that strong, and soon a vulnerability was found. ESET researchers spot this issue, due to which it was easy to create a decryption key for all the infected devices.

Besides CryCryptor, various malicious attempts took place during the same pandemic period.

Since, enterprises shifted to remote work. Employees were supposed to use home networks. Home networks are vulnerable compared to the official networks. Therefore, cybercriminals launch a greater number of hacking and pharming attacks to continue data breach practices.

But, the best thing is that during this time, VPNs played a significant role in securing home network traffic. Now, I will highlight how VPNs defend network security.

How a VPN combats Cyber-Attacks?

When businesses started noticing a significant rise in cyberattacks, new work from home policies began to rollout.

The use of VPNs started to grow massively. VPN or virtual private network forms a private, encrypted network to route online traffic before entering the open web.

This encrypted connection not only hides network activities but also changes IP address that protects user identity at its best.

How VPNs Maintain Network Security

 The VPN functionality is a whole science. It comprises several security protocols that help to curb security threats. I will explain its protocols one by one to help you comprehend the entire work.

VPNs and Respective Protocols

  1. IPSec (IP Security)

IPSec is a major VPN protocol used to maintain internet communication security. It works through two modes—transparent mode supposed to encrypt data message packet while Tunneling mode encrypts complete packet.

Tunneling mode often combines with other protocols to maximize the security level.

  1. L2TP- Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol

Together both L2TP and IPSec form a highly safe data environment. L2TP doesn’t involve any encryption, but it creates a tunnel. Meanwhile, IPSec manages the network encryption and assures that all data packets are encrypted and following a proper transmission channel.

  1. PPTP- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

PPTP is the universal and the oldest protocol from the days of Windows 95. Just like the L2TP protocol, it also has nothing to do with encryption. However, it controls packet tunneling and encapsulation.

PPTP coordinates with some secondary protocols, like GRE or TCP, to keep the security level hidden. It is still deemed as one of the strongest protocol.

How VPNs Coping AI for Network Protection

Considering disrupted network security, VPN is not just a security tool. It’s a network stipulation now.  In the distant future, AI will rule the world, and together with VPN technology, the website security level could reach 90% accuracy.

Machine learning algorithms better understand attacking patterns. These algorithms inform VPNs about potential threats. VPNs then work even smarter by recognizing attacks and their latent sources.

All in all, the AI-based router VPN is transforming digital security space while using the best self-learning practices.

How Network Leverages a VPN

The potential of network disruption lurks behind every click that you do online.  If you’re not using a VPN, it means that you’re exposing your network to ISP, government, and hackers.  Therefore, virtual private networks are significant than ever before.

Below I am shedding light on the obvious benefits your network will have while connecting to a VPN.

  1. Remote Network Protection

Gone are the days when we used to sit at a table to continue work. With time, mobility has become a major part of the work. The best network benefit of a VPN is that it gets remote network access.

All your data and files can be accessed from anywhere. A VPN itself is a network that you can access even outside the office. Whether you’re physically present in the office or not, all your data remains protected and available to you 24/7.

  1. Access to Global Content

Living in 2020 is indeed incredible, but if you’re still finding errors while watching your favorite international movies, then what’s the point of living? Luckily, a VPN gives back all the power to your hands.

VPNs have the capacity to change the network’s location. It enables you to access content from any region by replacing the IP address.  In simple words, a VPN changes your virtual location and bypasses content restrictions.

  1. Affordability and Efficiency

Affordability and efficiency are two significant factors, and a Virtual private network simultaneously offers both. Many VPN providers offer unlimited bandwidth that improves overall network performance. Similarly, after the drastic escalation in the VPN purchase, affordable and long-term VPN subscriptions began to hit the market. It makes it easier for small businesses to protect network security while staying within budget.

Is VPN a Necessity?

After the massive remote work adoption, the rate of cybercrimes shoots up, and now, VPNs are a necessity for every business operating online. If anyone is not using a VPN, then there are more chances for network exploitation.

The Future of VPN in Digital Space

The escalating popularity of VPNs is showing no signs of stopping. With time, the scope of VPN usage will be broader than ever before. Also, it is expected that home users also extensively switch to VPNs.  It is no wrong to say that soon we will see VPNs as the pre-requisite for being online.

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